The 'Bedangered'


I climbed a tree, finished the ripe fruits i could lay my hands on and started to climb down. I know it had rained the previous day, but the fact that the tree would be slippery eluded me. To further complicate things for myself, I went up the tree with flip flops (slippers).

On my way down, the proverb, “it’s not going up that matters, but coming back down” kept ringing in my ears, but it didn’t make me feel any better, if anything it made me feel worst.

So I devised my own saying. One that would console me a bit…”Danger lies in the eyes of the bedangered.” At the time I didn’t know if bedangered was an actual word, I didn’t even care; this was no time for grammar.

My adrenaline and stress levels were rising exponentially by the second. I even thought of throwing my flip flops down, “But what if I had to make a jump?” I asked myself. I kept the flops on.

“Danger lies in the eyes of the bedangered,” I said out loud this time, trying to motivate myself, to convince me that if there was a danger it’s because I told myself it’s there. Long story short, I made it down in one piece and I’ve got something for you:

Do not climb trees with flip flops especially if it rained the previous night; and on a more serious note, “Danger lies in the eyes of the bedangered.” You’ve got to find ways of digging yourself out of trouble because no one else would. If you do not motivate yourself to get things done, you’ll just be stuck in one place…you can’t go up neither can you go down…that’s a place you never want to be.

Are you seeing any danger? Is it really there or are you just giving yourself that illusion?



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