5 Ways to Remain Undefeated in Life


To defeat an enemy in battle, one has to understand the tactics the enemy employs, and then either make their tactics work against them or deploy your counter-attacking measures. 

Life, just like war, is survival of the fittest, and you either devour or be devoured.

In life, some people succeed and others do not. You have to be intentional about being undefeated. 

Build yourself, and learn to absorb or even avoid life’s punches. Keep learning, unlearning, and relearning. Times change; find a way to adapt to stay on your feet.

There are several tips you can employ to help you remain undefeated in life, the following are the top five from my perspective:


It is inevitable to face challenges, and some will hit you harder than others. Every day has its challenges, and your attitude towards them will go a long way in determining your chances of either staying on your feet or falling flat on your face. 

Just like in a boxing match, you will fall, but if you fall seven times, be sure to rise up one time more than you fall, for it is not the first who falls that is defeated but who fails to get back up.

It is easy to tell someone who is feeling down to push on and not throw in the towel, but it becomes extremely difficult to take our own medicine. 

The truth is that life has never been fair and it is not about to get any softer just for you- therefore pick yourself up whenever you fall, stop wallowing in your sorrow, and show life what you’ve also got- maybe you’ll tilt the scale a little bit in your favor.

You may have had a clear road map of your destination in life, and all of a sudden life starts pitching you curves you never prepared for. 

Having a clear vision does not mean it will be smooth and all rosy- troubles will definitely avail themselves, but with persistence, you can turn those impediments into stepping stones.

 Set realistic goals and work toward them with all you have.

When trials hit, it is easy to feel defeated. It takes only a little effort to give up, but there is no reward for not finishing the race. 

Only a few can handle rejection or being knocked down several times, but the select few that do are those who remain undefeated in life.


One of the easiest ways to be defeated is to never appreciate what you have or who you are.

 In a society where we only care about getting more and growing bigger, it is not an easy feat to be content with what we have, but being grateful and satisfied will save you lots of trouble in life’s journey.

Do not tie your happiness to external stuff- it will only leave you empty and in constant need of more. There’s never enough, so know when to stop because there will always be more.

 Be satisfied but not complacent. Be content with who you are and what you have and you’ll see that you are not easily swayed by trends.

We have heard of rich people committing suicide and of poor people living joyfully. 

This is not to make you complacent or to neglect your work; it is to let you know that being content is a great way to keep going no matter what you face.

 The Bible captures this perfectly by saying, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”

Once you get to the realization that you are enough and have learned to make do with what you have, never putting yourself in a position of having to borrow or chasing the clout and fame, then you will be fulfilled. 

But even without all of life’s pleasures, you will find a way to smile and be grateful.


Throughout history, man has been on a quest to find who he really is. Finding out who you are may sound easy enough until you are faced with life-changing choices and you are at a loss.

 Finding wisdom from books or mentors will help solve the dilemma of who you are, and who you are not. By reading and having experiences, you get to discover what you are at peace with and what your mind finds hard to flow naturally with.

 Know what works for you and do them, then know what doesn’t and avoid them.

 Focus on your strengths and nurture them, then learn to leverage your weaknesses to work for you instead of harming you.

The Stoics generally advocate living peaceful lives and it will be good to learn from one of their most famous philosophies, “Know what is in your control and what isn’t.”

 Manipulate the former to help you become formidable by staying on the front foot, and do not let the things outside your control keep you depressed. You cannot control things that happen, but you can control your reaction to those things.

Knowing where best you perform and focusing there will help you make better personal decisions, thus lesser regrets, and the ability to bounce back in the face of any challenges.

 By intimately knowing yourself, you do not get shaken by negative external forces.


Often we’ve heard of ‘health is wealth.’ If you do not take care of yourself no one else will, therefore you are responsible for your stamina in life.

 To stay ahead you need to be healthy and fit to tackle tasks. There is no price one can ever put on health: mental, spiritual, physical, or otherwise.

Maintaining a balance between the brain and the mind, the body, and the soul will help you make powerful decisions and take the most rewarding actions.

 If any of these states are not properly cared for, the health spectrum will be distorted and the resulting imbalance will put you on the back foot in the journey of life.

Exercise and keep fit- it not only boosts your immune system, but it also gives you more confidence to take on the day’s tasks better.

 Get in tune with nature. Find something- or someone- to believe in, to turn to when all else fails. Whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or a free thinker, we all need a higher being to turn to during difficult moments when mere mortals fail us.

 How fulfilling would it be to find someone who accepts you for who you are, without judgment?


“You are the average of the people you spend your time with.” Your friends will either build or destroy you; turn around and take a look at the company you keep.

 Surround yourself with positive people; people who will lift you whenever you feel down, people who will input fresh bursts of energy into you when you need it. 

Guard your personal space and stay away from those who sap what little energy you are trying to keep up.

Do not wait for ‘big accomplishments’- they may never arrive, instead, celebrate what little tasks you have achieved: this will make you live life in the moment, feeling good all the time even if the world is not giving you ‘big’ reasons to cheer.

 Use the ‘small’ achievements to build momentum that will lead to conquering bigger tasks.

Are you always feeling down and depressed or do you wear a smile on your face? Your mood has a heavy bearing on your attitude towards life.

 When you feel good, you want to do more, but when you feel down, you just do not have anything to spur you on. Spend quality time with your family and share hugs all around to maintain high spirits.

Remember that if you frown at life, life will frown right back at you, therefore surround yourself with hopeful and creative people who will make you feel upbeat about living life.

 Be with people who will lift you when you feel down, and avoid those who throw you deeper into the mud of sadness. Hang around folks with high spirits and yours will be uplifted as well.


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